
sickly dreams are always the craziest

Quick update...

So, last night, I had probably two of the weirdest dreams, ever.  They tend to always be a little absurd and a bit terrifying when I'm sick... *cough* so that's my only explanation for them.

The first is so uncharacteristically strange that I don't want to write about it in detail.  It was creepy and sexual and involves people I never really see or talk to... It was messy and realistic and my biggest worry the whole time was getting to work on time.  Dream-me is super pervy and total creeper.

The latter involved me getting into a super badass knife-fight.  There was this guy in my room, and we were like KACHING! CHING! CLANG! ...all kinds of steel-y-like onomatopoeia.  And then CLUNK! got him right in his sternum!!  It was thick, and I'm pretty sure we were fighting with butter knives, as opposed to something more ninja-esque, so that didn't help.  But the guy admitted defeat.  In fact, this was the 2nd time I'd fought him, bested him, and killed him (the dream did not explain why he'd been reborn).  Brandon goes and brings me back a much sharper chef's knife or something (figures) and the guy closes his eyes and lets me go for his heart.  The dream ends with me wondering if we should just wait and let the cops come and collect the body, but I figure that wouldn't be such a wise decision.  Instead, I decide we should bury him, but I realize that's exactly what we did to his previous body.

Now, because my dreams tend to be so vivid and detailed, I never ever know when I'm dreaming, until I wake up.  However, I didn't notice the wake-up this time around.  I hear the hubs rummaging around in the living room, and I think, "I'll have to ask him to help me bury the body, again.  It'll be weird having two of the same body in the same place. ..............wait...when did he have time to bury a first body and I didn't notice? ...oooooooh, I was dreaming."

Too bad, I thought I was pretty amazing in that knife-fight.

It's probably for the best that I don't remember these things, as is usually the case.  Now I have to go analyze all of this nonsense and wonder why I'm such an awesome perverted-ninja-bastard.

At least my dreams don't revolve around work and politics, like the hubs'.  It's hilarious when he wakes up and I say good morning, and he responds with something like, "It wasn't good enough, we'll have to keep practicing," or "It's not going to work that way...Their strategy's going to have to change if they want to win."

"What are you talking about??"

"Nothing, shut up! >_<."  Heh, the awesome oaf.

!!!!Sidenote, I decided to wait until the year anniversary of buying our house together before I posted a before-and-after of all we've done (and not done, tee hee) with it.  So this December!! MEGA-UPDATE! **cue explosion sound effects**!!!!