
6% ratings and hyrulian excursions

i have this thing with movies... i really really dislike watching them if i have no idea what they're about.  a person could tell me that Blah-Blah-Blah is a fantastic film, but if i get no mini-synopsis, i won't get around to watching it.  so, because of this, i really like watching movie trailers.  this was, unfortunately, the undoing of the movie Dream House.

the trailer doesn't really give anything away, per se, but it ruins the entire first 80% of the film by taking away the mystery of what's going on.  the moment they said this particular thing in the trailer, i paused, brought up Rotten Tomatoes, and saw one of the most gruesome scores ever.  i still watched the movie, and actually liked it, to be honest.  but oooh, that trailer... most of the complaints on the aforementioned site blamed it for "giving it all away" (it really doesn't, but it does).  it's one of those movies that people assume is a scary horror movie, but really isn't.  much like Blindness, another movie that people didn't care for.

i blame my inability to blindly watch a movie and/or my lack of a neuralizer.


i've finally played a new game.  let me remind everyone that i've not played anything new since July of last year. my list of games to play ever increases with every few weeks, but i've been good and saved for more important things.  because i've been playing less video games, i've actually been reading voraciously, much to the hubs' discontent (when i read, i read all the time, which means he gets less attention devoted to him. ^_^), but i digress.  i fiiiiiiinally got to play Skyward Sword, and i loved it!

it was definitely a new experience for me, playing with the wii-mote, rather than a good ol' fashioned controller...and though i honestly didn't hate it, i wouldn't purposely choose to play that way, given the option not to.  it was slightly annoying having to roll bombs when i'm reclining on the couch, or swing just the right direction in order to damage a stupid scorpion's open claw.  *grumble grumble*

the story was pretty great, i have to admit.  after such a huge hype, i was slightly worried that the game would fall short of a masterpiece, but honestly, it was pure love.  admittedly, it even got me emotional at some points.  i gasped, i teared up, and i stayed up late.  that's how you know if i'm really enjoying a video game...i lose all sense of reality and time, and i play until i've less than 3 hours of sleep before alarm clocks start going off.

but my absolute favorite thing, is that this iteration marked the 25th anniversary of the Zelda franchise, and the game heavily reflected it.  there was little musical allusions to Link to the Past (and my favorite Zelda game), symbology from Ocarina of Time, and "Twenty-three is number one!"

speaking of which...they should remake LttP.  mmmm, such a delicious game.  <3